Caballos de Pura Raza Español

                             Granero IV                                                            Malabar


 Yeguada Iberica were established in 1988 in Eastern Spain. Later the stud was moved to the United

 Kingdom where development of two distinct lines from its breeding programme were continued. A Grey line

 from Bocado (Terry) stock and Bay horses from Yeguada Militar (Military stud) stock.


 Yeguada Iberica was registered with the Jefatura de Cria Caballar (FESCCR) in 1991.


 While in the UK Yeguada Iberica were judged by the Cria Caballar as the best PRE stud - Mejor Ganadaria -

 for 5 years - 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003.


 In 2003 Yeguada Iberica returned to Spain, near Tobarra, in the province of Albacete (Castilla La Mancha),  

 on a 110 acre farm, where they continue to consolidate PRE stock with the emphasis on functional horses

 with excellent movement and work moral.


 Through competition the working horses of Yeguada Iberica have many times proven to be among the very

 best, with a long line of National Champions in ridden, driven, movement and morphological events.


 Two of the Stud's founder stallions were particularly successful. Granero IV - Predominantly Bocado (Terry)

 Bloodlines and Malabar - Predominantly Yeguada Militar, Bloodlines


 Enthusiasts throughout the world will have seen Yeguada Iberica's horses in Spain's national promotional

 material for the PRE, most likely without realising the horses are from Yeguada Iberica.

 For example Yeguada Iberica's Oretana III and foal Octavio III on the front cover of the Libro de las

 Ganaderias ANCCE 2004 (the Spanish National Breeders Association for the Purebred Spanish Horse) and on

 the famous Zotal collectors calendar 2004

Oretana III with foal Octavio III (Yeguada Iberica)





  Malabar is one of the most photographed examples of the PRE; and has been used as the definitive

  example for the PRE in books of horse breeds of the world, as well as in Juan Llamas's book 'This is the

  Spanish Horse' and on posters and publicity material all over Spain.



Yeguada Iberica's horses have gained some of the most prestigious awards

from the Jefatura de Cria Caballar (FESCCR):


Mejor Ganadería (Best Stud and Best Breeder UK) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003

National Progeny Champion UK (Granero IV) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003

And 6 of Yeguada Iberica horses are included in Spain's L.I.M.P.R.E. Book of Merits


Yeguada Iberica's Octavio III will go down in history as the first ever PRE bred in the UK to gain Reproductor Calificado status (No A000212)


Recognised in Spain


it would be apt to place Yeguada Iberica the level of a Spanish stud at middle to high level

(Spain's 'Pura Raza' magazine No.16)

. mare with the name of Moraleja, of extraordinary quality - mother of a good number of Yeguada Iberica horses . . ” 

(Pura Raza magazine, who featured her as a PRE with one of the best movements of all time and a founder mare of some of Yeguada Iberica's foundation and ongoing stock)

Yeguada Iberica's Malabar and Kan VIII - the most successful driven pair of PRE’s in the UK of

this (20th) century”

(D. Luis Rivero Merry - President of the Driving Association Spain)



Yeguada Iberica’s foundation stallions include:


Granero IV

National Progeny Champion for the 6 consecutive years 1998 - 2003.

PRE UK Performance Champion 2002 & 2003.

Included in the L.I.M.P.R.E. Book of Merits

He produced countless National Champions and National Movement Champions as well as the first ever PRE bred in the UK to gain Calificado grading.

Granero opened all Yeguada Iberica's displays for 12 years and was

appreciated and well known in Spain as well as the UK for his outstandingly kind temperament combined with unbeatable work morale.



 Son of the two times Spanish National Supreme Champion 'Orfebre'

 Supreme National Movement Champion UK

 Two times National reserve Ridden Champion.

 Multiple National Stallion Champion.

 Many times Champion ridden horse (both saddles)

 Multiple driving champion

 Performed in all Yeguada Iberica's displays for 20 years (in-hand, on

 the long rein, ridden and driven) and still working, in semi-retirement at

 the stud.




 Son of the Spanish National Supreme Champion 'Orfebre'

 UK Performance Champion for producing functional PRE partbreds

 2001, 2002 & 2003.

 Included in the  L.I.M.P.R.E. Book of Merits.

 Excels in displays, ridden, work in hand, on the long rein and driven.

 Kan is still working today at Yeguada Iberica.







 Mejicano XXXIX

 Supreme National UK PRE Champion (joint).

 Supreme National Movement Champion

 Excellent movement and classical dressage.

 Inherited his sire's (Granero IV) kind temperament and work morale.









   Octavio III                                     

  Calificado graded

  Confirmed by Jefatura de Cria Caballar (FESCCR) as the highest graded PRE in 

  Eastern Spain (either sex) in the last 20 years.

  The very first UK bred Purebred Spanish Horse to pass Calificado grading.

  Excels in classical dressage and is currently working at Yeguada Iberica.







Functional horses


 Yeguada Iberica's Purebred Spanish Horses have been continually selected and bred for function, movement and importantly a superb working temperament combined with a genuine work morale.

This can be seen at the stud where there are usually 15 or more home bred horses performing in the

riding school or taking clients on riding holidays in the countryside of southern Castilla La Mancha.


Richard Lust frequently rides Yeguada Iberica bred horses when assisting in fighting bull round-ups in the countryside of southern Castilla La Mancha and northern Andalucia and with Sue Lust and stud members when they perform riding, driving and work-in-hand displays in Spain and in the bullrings, or when taking part in Ferias and other displays. You will typically see a pair or team of Yeguada Iberica horses taking the Three Kings (Los Reyes) in January or other parades where exceptionaly well behaved horses are essential.


Yeguada Iberica at the Feria de Jerez



Some of our working horses



Yeguada Ibericaregistered brand




Yeguada Iberica is registered in the Spanish State Studbook; in Spain 1900052296 and UK 2300001853
‘Yeguada Iberica’ and ‘Viva Iberica’ are registered trademarks